
I believe in God, but my faith is in black and indigenous women. With these women in mind, The Well, a health and wellness startup, is dedicated to celebrating black and indigenous women and the journey to wellness through health, beauty, and culture. I see the body as both fact and opinion. bodies are innately political, and these politics are a crucial part of how society respects bodies and interprets value: not only bodies are valued. Marginalized bodies experience bias and too often death. I am fascinated by my own fat black body as a site of criticism. 


Literature is crucial to our freedom and wellness. I saw a need for resources that explored the intersectionality of race, identity, freedom, and fatness. Hence The Well syllabus was created. In the syllabus, you will find over 200 works of nonfiction, fiction, articles, and poetry (primarily by black and indigenous women) in the categories of critical race theory, black feminism, nonfiction, and fat studies 

Through The Well syllabus it is my hope that you will be inspired by authors who share their narratives of confidence, pain, beauty, intelligence, trauma, adventure, power, and love. 

xo, Tysheka Finney